Debbie Bankert

Sounding the Trumpet

Honeysuckle - Devotion
Watercolor on paper
12 ½” by 9”

Honeysuckle, symbolizing deep devotion with sexual overtones, coupled with the trumpet flower (fame) and the hummingbird that representing innocence, as well as love and joy, portray a deep devotion clothed in innocence heralded by the trumpet. Hummingbirds are seen as messengers and because of their ability to fly backwards, convey a warning not to dwell upon the past. Pre-Raphaelites used them to represent children and fairies.

© Debbie Bankert, 2011

Drying Garlic

Watercolor on paper
9” by 12”

 The Pre-Raphaelite artists were fond of using garlic to portray power to ward off the "undead" or vampires. Stories of metamorphosis, represented by butterflies, greatly intrigued these artists. Butterflies symbolize transformation, change, resurrection and the celebration of young love. The two displayed together represent the power to protect a state of vulnerability.

© Debbie Bankert, 2011

See more of Debbie's work  here.